January 4, 2024Know-howIPTC copyright displayed as an image caption in WordPressThomasHow to display IPTC credit and copyright information for images on WordPress sites.Read MoreIPTC copyright displayed as an image caption in WordPress
December 9, 2023Know-howChanging IPTC copyright data with ExifToolThomasHow to use the free ExifTool command line tool to change IPTC metadata in images on the example of copyright-related data.Read MoreChanging IPTC copyright data with ExifTool
November 27, 2023Know-howHow to show image captions in a WordPress lightboxThomasHow to show an image with a caption or author information in a lightbox in WordPress.Read MoreHow to show image captions in a WordPress lightbox
October 28, 2023Code Snippets, Know-howHow to show a caption for a background image of the Group blockThomasHow to show a caption as an overlay for group block background images.Read MoreHow to show a caption for a background image of the Group block